Collection Of Industrial Design Sketches
These are some of the links I referred to get inspiration while preparing for M.Des (Master Of Design). This collection contains some great works of many artists, tutorials for product sketching and much more one would need while preparing design portfolio as well as while learning to sketch. These would even help in cracking the design entrances (CEED, NID-DAT, etc.) plus their design aptitude tests (DATs).
These links are randomly ordered.
To know more about Design in India:-
(This link would give information about various design entrances, design colleges in India, etc.)
(This link is the one-stop solution for the preparation of design entrances, DATs, interviews and more.)
Another link which speaks a lot about Design:-
Product/ Industrial Design sketching tutorials:-
(The last one is for comics and illustration)
Some other great portfolios and collections:-
Quite a long list, huh? These links can only show that how a perspective is drawn or considered but at the end one has to find her or his own style of sketching.
"Sketching can't be taught nor it can be learned. One just has to get inspired and evolve..."
Make your own collection. Join any portfolio submission website, add good designs to your favourites or download them to your secondary storage. Search Google Images with the right keywords like product design concepts, product design sketches, concept ships, concept trucks, concept cars sketches, automotive interior sketches, etc. And have fun!
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