It Is Of No Use - A Poem
The luxury car is of no use,
If you're smoking cigarette in it.
The ground clearance of your SUV is of no use,
If you're spitting tobacco from the power windows.
The smartphone is of no use,
If your purpose is verbal abuse.
Your fighter planes are of no use,
If the pilots die due to technical snags and not on the battlefield.
Prayers are of no use,
If you're seeking ill for someone.
Education is of no use,
If you're not using it for the amelioration of society.
Failures are of no use,
If you're not learning from them.
Spectacles are of no use,
If you're still unable to see the good things.
Your watch is of no use,
If you're still running late.
Your tongue is of no use,
If you can't stand against injustice.
Your clothes are of no use,
If you end up letting others down.
Money is of no use,
If not invested in a noble cause.
Youth is of no use,
If caught in the vicious circle of drugs.
Men are of no use,
If they can't protect and respect women.
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