Looking Back To School Life

[Wrote this article for a school friend, Siddharth; and tried my hands on the so-called 'modern articles!' ] School life is something every one of us can relate to... 1) We become part of the cattle race without knowing where it is leading to. and later realize... 2) We dream something... and something else happens... 3) Lessons and formulas learned hardly turn out to be useful. 4) We do get influenced by seniors who tell us what is right and what is... 5) We learn multi-tasking in the school itself. 6) We get cheerful about every small thing. 7) And we do get disappointed as well. 8) Sharing lunch with friends become a part of life. even when we grow up... 9) Friends are what we earn for a lifetime. and when we meet them after a long time... 10) And when we become an alumnus of the very same school...